Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I have found a place where I can go. Mentally and physically to move away from things. Its a new happy place. I dont know how long this space will be good to me. But it helps me now.

I have finished one book so far over break. Its an autobiography of modernist/expressionist Marc Chagall. It was translated from Russian to French to English... I believe. Well, in the process they must have asked someone with the same writing skills that I have to translate it. Meh. The writing was weak. It was very hard to understand with the amount of names, places, and lack of dates. Very little point of reference. I appreciated the story, thought there was some things that were purposely missing, and was too PG when it should have been at least PG-13.

My next book is the Biography of Woody Allen. Its a much better read. I havnt seen every Woody Allen movie, and the ones I have seen blur together, so it becomes tough at times. But ill get through it.

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